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What We Can Do For You...

Professional Representation

Corporate and Business Law involving Company, Banking and Infrastructure Projects, Contractual and General Business, Intellectual Property Law, Land/ Estate Laws, Health Related, Personal & Succession Laws and Maritime (Shipping) Laws.

Banking Law

  • We are panel lawyers with premier public sector banks and industry focused banks of India.  We deal with matters relating to Corporate Banking and Security Contracts, Institutional Term Loan lending, Working Capital, loan financing issues. In addition to supporting documentation of the above we support on matters concerning compliance with Securities Regulations, Leasing and Hire Purchase, Mortgages, Opinion on Title deeds, Due Diligence (legal audits), including interpreting various circulars and procedures of the Reserve Bank of India in relation to foreign exchange management especially FEMA and other related banking transactions including Asset and Money Recovery and Securitisation proceedings.

  • We handle sizable litigation for banks before the Debts Recovery Tribunals, the Appellate Tribunal, National Company Law Tribunals and other civil courts.

Corporate & Business Law

  • We provide counsel and corporate advisory to businesses. Clients are advised in formation of companies, partnerships, and proprietary concerns or such entities that aid in successful consolidation of business interests. We counsel in the negotiation and preparation of shareholder agreements, memorandum and articles, insurance arrangements, employment contracts, business process outsourcing. This includes in depth vetting and detailed drafting of various deeds, agreements including those concerning Service matters, MoU’s, Master Service Agreements, Franchise, Assignments, Consultancy etc. We represent clients in: purchase or sale of businesses, conducting due diligence exercises, Takeovers, acquisitions, transfer of family business interests to subsequent heirs, as well as the reorganization of business interests. The firm has advised infrastructure development companies on vital issues of business contracts, conducted due diligence exercises on specific infrastructure projects.

  • The firm advises on Company Law matters and other Corporate structuring of investments, Joint Ventures, Shareholders Agreements, Management Agreements, Labour law safeguards, Commercial Agreements, Liquidation (Winding Up) etc. We support start up companies in identifying key areas of support, due diligence, business and tax planning advice. The firm effectively represents clients before various judicial and quasi-judicial fora. In addition to structuring the business we assist in business negotiations for entrepreneurs and Venture Capitalists. The firm caters to existing and future business operations in advising and obtaining licenses, permissions, and clearances from local authorities and timely renewals of the same. We advise enterprises specifically in the field of Tourism, Travel Trade related laws, hospitality, food and beverage industry entailing various issues on food adulteration, permissions, licenses, permits, adherence to weights and measures regulations, and in labour issues entailing certified standing orders.

Conveyancing & Real Estate Law

  • Got a Estate Law or Real Property case on your hands? We are ready to help. Anand, Samy & Dhruva has the legal knowledge, skills, and experience to advise clients on Estate Law, Real Property matters in south India. We extend professional services to help clients resolve their legal matters.

  • We are conversant in investigation and documentation relating to immovable properties, the procedures entailed, with substantive experience in handling tasks for public/ private sector/ multinational banks and other corporate entities. The office is well experienced in matters concerning Sale, Mortgage, Lease, Licensing relating to Land/ Estate, Flats/ Apartments, Building contracts, Joint ventures/ development, Family partitions/ settlements/ releases, Family Trusts, Assignment of lands by Governments and Industrial Estates, Compulsory land acquisitions and compensation etc.

  • We advise builders, civil engineering and construction contractors on issues relating to real property including negotiating with Development Authorities, Banks and Land owners. Additionally the firm has successfully handled litigation relating to builders in the consumer forum, courts and other alternate dispute resolution.

Intellectual Property

  • The office has expertise and advise in matters relating to Trade marks, Service marks, Copyright and Know-how Protection, Intellectual Property (I.P.) - Audits, Watch and Management, Patents, Designs, Franchising and Licensing, Software Licensing, Advertising and Media Law, Application of Information Technology laws (Cyber laws), Infringement and Passing off Actions.

  • Considerable matters have been handled before the Trademarks Registry, the Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB), the ICANN & WIPO (website dispute resolution), and the High Courts in various passing off/ infringement actions, disparaging action in advertisements, by the lawyers of this office. A partner here has been of assistance in the registration of various Geographical Indications in south India for the marks initiated by the Govt. of Tamil Nadu and other artisan welfare bodies.

Shipping & Maritime Law

  • We advise in the field of Maritime Law, assist in the engagement of Charter parties, Clearing and Forwarding Agent/s issues, Ship Arrests, on labour related issues concerning commercial shipping industry including those of lost seamen in international waters and such others entailing exercise of the Admiralty jurisdiction of the High Court, Madras.

  • The partners have represented the interest of various parties before the High Court, Madras and the Supreme Court, New Delhi.

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Chennai: No.123, 3rd floor, Angappa Naicken Street, G.T., Chennai 600001.

Bangalore: No.33, 4th floor, Annaswamy Mudaliar Road, off Ulsoor Lake, Bangalore 560042.

Madura: No.280, A, Goods Shed Street, Madura 625001.


mail [at] asdlaw [dot] in


+91-44-4262 7950, 2533 0513

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